New Collaboration With Soap Makers, TINY Soap Lab
I've teamed with the wonderful TINY Soap Lab to create a small range of beautifully scented, luxury soaps wrapped in my signature 20 Seventh Letter prints.
View our collaborative range here.
View our collaborative range here.
Read more about the talented TINY Soap Lab and how their soaps are made below.
"The TINY Soap Lab is a family affair. Almost two years ago, we uprooted and moved to the quintessential picture-postcard village of Finchingfield in Essex. I had left my teaching career behind and was considering a new path – then lock-down happened and we were kick-started into action! Together, we decided to combine our creativity and set about learning a whole new set of skills.
Making our first batch of handmade soap was a revelation and we immediately fell in love with soap-making. We discovered first-hand the benefits of using skin-loving oils and butters in our recipes. We made soaps for friends and family and were encouraged by their positive response. Mr H’s DIY skills were soon put to the test, quickly converting a small outbuilding into a little laboratory (hence our name).
It's all about the Ingredients
Soap is the result of a chemical reaction between fats or oils and lye (sodium hydroxide). The process of achieving the chemical reaction is called saponification. We make our soaps by hand in small batches using the traditional cold-process method.
We only use beneficial, plant-derived oils and butters - no fillers. Our core recipe consists of coconut oil, olive oil, shea butter and castor oil - all playing a vital role in creating a gently cleansing, moisturising soap bar. Each of our ranges feature other carefully chosen ingredients (such as oat milk or hemp seed oil) which makes them extra special.
Our soaps retain all the emollient glycerine that is naturally created during the soap making process (often removed in commercial soap-making to put into expensive lotions). Glycerine also helps to give a silky lather to soap. We have no need for any SLS or palm oil. Also, we ‘super-fat’ our soaps, meaning they contain slightly more oil than needed for saponification, which helps to boost their moisturising properties.
To complete the indulgent experience, we add some amazing scents to our soaps. It's no secret that fragrance can stir memories, boost our mood and enhance our sense of wellbeing. We offer the choice between fragrance oils, natural essential oils or the option to go fragrance-free if preferred.
The soap making process begins with mixing the lye with water to make a solution. An exothermic reaction is created and the lye is extremely caustic at this stage so this part requires lab coat, safety goggles and gloves. Once cooled, the oils, butters and fragrance are added. All the ingredients are then blended to the right consistency and poured into moulds. We use a large wooden mould – this way we can make 25 soaps at a time. The soap is insulated and left overnight to complete the saponification process (this is where the lye is used up – turning the oils into soap).
The next day the loaf can be unmoulded and sliced up (my favourite part!).
After 6 weeks of curing (drying out), the soaps are ready to use!
All our soap recipes have been assessed by a chartered chemist to ensure they meet rigorous safety standards and we are proud to be members of The Guild of Soap and Toiletry Makers."
Sandra Hobbs at The TINY Soap Lab